
Social Inbox emphasizing accessible content and contacts relations

Exciting, innovative and experimental approach to email content and contacts information extraction and exploration from years of email conversation history.

The application provided easy way to import and organize emails and have images, videos, audio, documents, presentations and even source codes grouped and available for online access at a snap. Contacts graph exploration was augmented with information on friends ranking and interesting contacts statistics based on conversation history as well as bots (non-human senders) detection.

Key system components featured:

  • Robust e-mail retrieval and processing system with account settings auto-detection based on e-mail address
  • Automated content conversion pipelines for converting video, audio, documents, texts, source codes, images and presentations into common online formats
  • Data storage for organizing huge email volumes, attachments and contacts relation
  • Web application fastening together the distributed system and providing access to processed information

Project for Magnolia Labs, San Francisco, USA, 2008

Python Django MySQL AWS Amazon EC2 Amazon SQS Amazon S3 Apache Ubuntu HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery